Computation of an auditory representation

The following sections describe how the Auditory front-end can be used to compute an auditory representation with default parameters of a given input signal. We will start with a simple example, and gradually explain how the user can gain more control over the respective parameters. It is assumed that the entire input signal - for which the auditory representation should be computed - is available. Therefore, this operation is referred to as batch processing. As stated before, the framework is also compatible with chunk-based processing (i.e., when the input signal is acquired continuously over time, but the auditory representation is computed for smaller signal chunks). The chunk-based processing will be explained in a later section.

Using default parameters

As an example, extracting the interaural level difference ’ild’ for a stereo signal sIn (e.g., obtained from a ’.wav’ file through Matlab´s wavread) sampled at a frequency fsHz (in Hz) can be done in the following steps:

% Instantiation of data and manager objects
dataObj = dataObject(sIn,fsHz);
managerObj = manager(dataObj);

% Request the computation of ILDs
sOut = managerObj.addProcessor('ild');

% Request the processing

Line 2 and 3 show the instantiation of the two fundamental objects: the data object and the manager. Note that the data object is always instantiated first, as the manager needs a data object instance as input argument to be constructed. The manager instance in line 3 is however an “empty” instance of the manager class, in the sense that it will not perform any processing. Hence a processing needs to be requested, as done in line 6. This particular example will request the computation of the inter-aural level difference ’ild’. This step is configuring the manager instance managerObj to perform that type of processing, but the processing itself is performed at line 9 by calling the processSignal method of the manager class.

The request of an auditory representation via the addProcessor method of the manager class on line 6 returns as an output argument a cell array containing a handle to the requested signal, here named sOut. In the Auditory front-end, signals are also objects. For example, for the output signal just generated:

>> sOut{1}

ans =

  TimeFrequencySignal with properties:

          cfHz: [1x31 double]
         Label: 'Interaural level difference'
          Name: 'ild'
    Dimensions: 'nSamples x nFilters'
          FsHz: 100
       Channel: 'mono'
          Data: [267x31 circVBufArrayInterface]

This shows the various properties of the signal object sOut. These properties will be described in detail in the Technical description. To access the computed representation, e.g., for further processing, one can create a copy of the data contained in the signal into a variable, say myILDs:

>> myILDs = sOut{1}.Data(:);


Note the use of the column operator (:). That is because the property .Data of signal objects is not a conventional Matlab array and one needs this syntax to access all the values it stores.

The nature of the .Data property is further described in Circular buffer.

Input/output signals dimensions

The input signal sIn, for which a given auditory representation needs be computed, is a simple array. Its first dimension (lines) should span time. Its first column should correspond to the left channel (or mono channel, if it is not a stereo signal) and the second column to the right channel. This is typically the format returned by Matlab´s embedded functions audioread and wavread.

The input signal can be either mono or stereo/binaural. The framework can operate on both. However, some representations, such as the as the ILD as requested in the previous example, are based on a comparison between the left and the right ear signals. If a mono signal was provided instead of a binaural signal, the request of computing the ILD representation would produce the following warning and the request would not be computed:

Warning: Cannot instantiate a binaural processor with a mono input signal!
> In manager>manager.addProcessor at 1127

The dimensions of the output signal from the addProcessor method will depend on the representation requested. In the previous example, the ’ild’ request returns a single output for a stereo input. However, when the request is based on a single channel and the input is stereo, the processing will be performed for left and right channel, and both left and right outputs are returned. In such cases, the output from the method addProcessor will be a cell array of dimensions 1 x 2 containing output signals for the left channel (first column) and right channel (second column). For example, the returned sOut could take the form:

>> sOut

sOut =

    [1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]    [1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]

The left-channel output can be accessed using sOut{1}, and similarly, sOut{2} for the right-channel output.

Change parameters used for computation

For the requested representation

Each individual processors that is supported by the Auditory front-end can be controlled by a set of parameters. Each parameter can be accessed by a unique nametag and has a default value. A summary of all parameter names and default values for the individual processors can be listed by the command parameterHelper:

>> parameterHelper

Parameter handling in the TWO!EARS Auditory Front-End
The extraction of various auditory representations performed by the TWO!EARS Auditory Front-End software involves many parameters. Each parameter is given a unique name and a default value. When placing a request for TWO!EARS auditory front-end processing that uses one or more non-default parameters, a specific structure of non-default parameters needs to be provided as input. Such structure can be generated from |genParStruct|, using pairs of parameter name and chosen value as inputs.

Parameters names for each processor are listed below:
            Amplitude modulation|
            DRNL filterbank|
            Gabor features extractor|
            Gammatone filterbank|
            IC Extractor|
            ILD Extractor|
            ITD Extractor|
            Medial Olivo-Cochlear feedback processor|
            Inner hair-cell envelope extraction|
            Neural adaptation model|
            Offset detection|
            Offset mapping|
            Onset detection|
            Onset mapping|
            Pre-processing stage|
            Precedence effect|
            Spectral features|
            Plotting parameters|

Each element in the list is a hyperlink, which will reveal the list of parameters for a given element, e.g.,

Inter-aural Level Difference Extractor parameters::

  Name            Default   Description
  ----            -------   -----------
  ild_wname       'hann'    Window name
  ild_wSizeSec    0.02      Window duration (s)
  ild_hSizeSec    0.01      Window step size (s)

It can be seen that the ILD processor can be controlled by three parameters, namely ild_wname, ild_wSizeSec and ild_hSizeSec. A particular parameter can be changed by creating a parameter structure which contains the parameter name (nametags) and the corresponding value. The function genParStruct can be used to create such a parameter structure. For instance:

>> parameters = genParStruct('ild_wSizeSec',0.04,'ild_hSizeSec',0.02)

parameters =

  Parameters with properties:

    ild_hSizeSec: 0.0200
    ild_wSizeSec: 0.0400

will generate a suitable parameter structure parameters to request the computation of ILD with a window duration of 40 ms and a step size of 20 ms. This parameter structure is then passed as a second input argument in the addProcessor method of a manager object. The previous example can be rewritten considering the change in parameter values as follows:

% Instantiation of data and manager objects
dataObj = dataObject(sIn,fsHz);
managerObj = manager(dataObj);

% Non-default parameter values
parameters = genParStruct('ild_wSizeSec',0.04,'ild_hSizeSec',0.02);

% Place a request for the computation of ILDs
sOut = managerObj.addProcessor('ild',parameters);

% Perform processing

For a dependency of the request

The previous example showed that the processor extracting ILDs was accepting three parameters. However, the representation it returns, the ILDs, will depend on more than these three parameters. For instance, it includes a certain number of frequency channels, but there is no parameter to control these in the ILD processor. That is because such parameters are from other processors that were used in intermediate steps to obtain the ILD. Controlling these parameters therefore requires knowledge of the individual steps in the processing.

Most auditory representations will depend on another representation, itself being derived from yet another one. Thus, there is a chain of dependencies between different representations, and multiple processing stages will be required to compute a particular output. The list of dependencies for a given processor can be visualised using the function Processor.getDependencyList(’processorName’), e.g.

>> Processor.getDependencyList('ildProc')

ans =

    'innerhaircell'    'filterbank'    'time'

shows that the ILD depends on the inner hair-cell representation (’innerhaircell’), which itself is obtained from the output of a gammatone filter bank (’filterbank’). The filter bank is derived from the time-domain signal, which itself has no further dependency as it is directly derived from the input signal.

When placing a request to the manager, the user can also request a change in parameters of any of the request’s dependencies. For example, the number of frequency channels in the ILD representation is a property of the filter bank, controlled by the parameter ’fb_nChannels’. (which name can be found using parameterHelper.m). This parameter can also be requested to have a non-default value, although it is not a parameter of the processor in charge of computing the ILD. This is done in the same way as previously shown:

% Non-default parameter values
parameters = genParStruct('fb_nChannels',16);

% Place a request for the computation of ILDs
sOut = managerObj.addProcessor('ild',parameters);

% Perform processing

The resulting ILD representation stored in sOut{1} will be based on 16 channels, instead of 31.

Compute multiple auditory representations

Place multiple requests

Multiple requests are supported in the framework, and can be carried out by consecutive calls to the addProcessor method of an instance of the manager with a single request argument. It is also possible to have a single call to the addProcessor method with a cell array of requests, e.g.:

% Place a request for the computation of ILDs AND autocorrelation
[sOut1 sOut2] = managerObj.addProcessor({'ild','autocorrelation'})

This way, the manager set up in the previous example will extract an ILD and an auto-correlation representation, and provide handles to the three signals, in sOut1{1} for the ILD (it is a mono representation), sOut2{1} and sOut2{2} for the autocorrelations of respectively left and right channels.

To use non-default parameter values, three syntax are possible:

  • If there are several requests, but all use the same set of parameter values p:

    managerObj.addProcessor({'name1', .. ,'nameN'},p)
  • If there is only one request (name), but with different sets of parameter values (p1,...,pN), e.g., for investigating the influence of a given parameter

    managerObj.addProcessor('name',{p1, .. ,pN})
  • If there are several requests and some, or all, of them use a different set of parameter values, then it is necessary to have a set of parameter (p1,...,pN) for each request (possibly by duplicating the common ones) and place them in a cell array as follows:

    managerObj.addProcessor({'name1', .. ,'nameN'},{p1, .. ,pN})

Note that in the two examples above, no output is specified for the addProcessor method, but the representations will be computed nonetheless. The output of addProcessor is there for convenience and the following subsection will explain how to get a hang on the computed signals without an explicit output from addProcessor.

Requests can also be placed directly as optional arguments in the manager constructor, e.g., to reproduce the previous script example:

% Instantiation of data and manager objects
dataObj = dataObject(sIn,fsHz);
managerObj = manager(dataObj,{'ild','autocorrelation'});

The three possibilities described above can also be used in this syntax form.

Computing the signals

This is done in the exact same way as for a single request, by calling the processSignal method of the manager:

% Perform processing

Access internal signals

The optional output of the addProcessor method is provided for convenience. It is actually a pointer (or handle, in Matlab´s terms) to the actual signal object which is hosted by the data object on which the manager is based. Once the processing is carried out, the properties of the data object can be inspected:

>> dataObj

dataObj =

  dataObject with properties:

   bufferSize_s: 10
       isStereo: 1
            ild: {[1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]}
  innerhaircell: {[1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]  [1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]}
          input: {[1x1 TimeDomainSignal]  [1x1 TimeDomainSignal]}
           time: {[1x1 TimeDomainSignal]  [1x1 TimeDomainSignal]}
     filterbank: {[1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]  [1x1 TimeFrequencySignal]}
autocorrelation: {[1x1 CorrelationSignal]  [1x1 CorrelationSignal]}

Apart from the properties bufferSize_s and isStereo which are inherent properties of the data object (and discussed later in the Technical description), the remaining properties each correspond to one of the representations computed to achieve the user’s request(s). They are each arranged in cell arrays, with first column being the left, or mono channel, and the second column the right channel. For instance, to get a handle sGammaR to the right channel of the gammatone filter bank output, type:

>> sGammaR = dataObj.filterbank{2}

sGammaR =

  TimeFrequencySignal with properties:

      cfHz: [1x31 double]
     Label: 'Gammatone filterbank output'
      Name: 'filterbank'
Dimensions: 'nSamples x nFilters'
      FsHz: 44100
   Channel: 'right'
      Data: [118299x31 circVBufArrayInterface]

How to plot the result

Plotting auditory representations is made very easy in the Auditory front-end. As explained before, each representation that was computed during a session is stored as a signal object, which each are individual properties of the data object. Signal objects of each type have a plot method. Called without any input arguments, signal.plot will adequately plot the representation stored in signal in a new figure, and returns as output a handle to said figure. The plotting method for all signals can accept at least one optional argument, which is a handle to an already existing figure or subplot in a figure. This way the representation can be included in an existing plot. A second optional argument is a structure of non-default plot parameters. The parameterHelper script also lists plotting options, and they can be modified in the same way as processor parameters, via the script genParStruct. These concepts can be summed up in the following example lines, that follows right after the demo code from the previous subsection:

% Request the processing

% Plot the ILDs in a separate figure

% Create an empty figure with subplots
h1 = subplot(2,2,1);
h2 = subplot(2,2,2);
h3 = subplot(2,2,3);
h4 = subplot(2,2,4);

% Change plotting options to remove colorbar and reduce title size
p = genParStruct('bColorbar',0,'fsize_title',12);

% Plot additional representations

This script will produce the two figure windows displayed in Fig. 13. Line 22 of the script creates the window “Figure 1”, while lines 35 to 38 populate the window “Figure 2” which was created earlier (in lines 25 to 29).


Fig. 13 The two example figures generated by the demo script.