First stepsΒΆ

The Two!Ears Auditory Model consists of several modules for modelling active human listening. It could handle real recorded binaural data as well as simulated one and can be freely configured to solve different tasks like localisation and identification of speakers.

To get an overview of the single modules of the model, including a nice sketch of the overall model have a look at the Modules of the Two!Ears Auditory Model.

In order to quickly get the model up and running, have a look at the Installation guide. And then see how to Set up an acoustic scene and Set up an auditory model.

If you are curious on how to best get data from our huge Database have a look at Work with the database. And if you are ready to not only simulate binaural ear signals, but really record them on the fly have a look at the Use a robotic platform.

The model is being developed by the partners of the EU project Two!Ears.