Installation guideΒΆ

To install the Two!Ears Auditory Model download version 1.1, unzip it, and store it somewhere on your PC. The download includes only the files needed to run it in Matlab. Additional files such as HRTF data will be downloaded later by the model on-the-fly if needed.

We have tested the software with Matlab versions from 2012b to 2015b. You will also need the Signal Processing toolbox. Currently the Statistics toolbox is also required for some plotting functions, but we expect to remove this dependency in a future release.

When stored on your PC, you should add the main folder to your Matlab path and then run the startTwoEars function, which will add the necessary sub-folders. From within the main folder do the following:

>> addpath(pwd)
>> startTwoEars

When you are planning to use the Binaural simulator module you have to prepare the following things:

  • Linux/Mac: install the packages make, g++ (at least version 4.7.3), libsndfile1-dev, libxml2-dev, libfftw3-dev. Under Linux use your native package manager, e.g. apt-get, aptitude, yum. Under Mac you may use Homebrew or MacPorts to install the packages.
  • Windows: add TwoEarsDir\BinauralSimulator\src\mex\dll folder to PATH environment variable (HOWTO).

We have experienced some issues regarding the precompiled *.mex binaries on some machines. If you get error messages related to the *.mex files, please remove the directory of your PATH again, if you are using Windows. Try to compile the mex binaries by yourself using the tutorial given in Advanced installation.

Finally, in order to use the location knowledge source GmtkLocationKS, you need to download GMTK binaries for your operating system:

  • Linux: download GMTK for Linux and put the unzipped binaries in /usr/local/bin
  • Mac: download GMTK for MacOS X and put the unzipped binaries in /usr/local/bin
  • Windows: you need to use Cygwin. During the Cygwin installation in the Select Packages dialogue, select the gcc-core package as this has to be installed as well. Afterwards download GMTK for Cygwin and put the unzipped binaries in c:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin. Be sure to use c:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin as our GMTK-Matlab function gmtkEngine.m will only look there.

To test if GMTK works for you, open a shell and do the following:

$ /usr/local/bin/gmtkTriangulate -version

In most the cases the GMTK binaries provided should work for you. If you have any trouble, try compiling GMTK from source code:

  1. Download the latest GMTK source code
  2. Unpack the source code package and switch to the extracted directory
  3. Compile the GMTK binaries in a shell as follows:
$ ./configure && make && make install

Now everything is setup and you can use the model. We suggest that you start by trying one of the examples provided:

>> cd Examples/localisation_w_and_wo_head_movements
>> localise;